My Workflow- After the fun of taking photos.
I really enjoy taking photos, and I know this the main 'fun" part for Jill also. But I also enjoy a modicum of post-production work, and I also know how important a good cataloguing and archival system is with digital photography. So, when Adobe Lightroom made its first appearance as a Beta product back in 2006, I decided to put all my "eggs in the basket" and use Lightroom as my only archival, indexing and post production tool of choice. I do, very occasionally "mess around" with Photoshop, and NIK software, but for the most part, all of my post capture work uses Lightroom. I do very little "hard core" post production, I mostly concentrate on straightening, cropping, tone adjustments, and where necessary, cloning out unsightly blemishes. Step 1- Importing Photos This is probably the most important step. I have two separate LR catalogues, one for Jill's images and one for mine. When we get back from a shoot, I immediately inse...